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Counsellor – 2 Posts

Post: Counsellor – 2 Posts
  Reference HRM / JRRH /006/2022
Reports Medical Social Worker
Duration of Contract One year Contract, renewable
Qualifications: At least diploma in counseling and guidance, diploma in social work and social development, development studies, social sciences and any other related fields.

Certificate in HIV counseling is a must.

At least 2years experience working with an HIV clinic in a busy health facility.

Duties and Responsibilities: 1.      Provide quality and comprehensive counseling services to clients, their partners and other family members (pretest, post-test, adherence support & intensive adherence counseling)

2.      Conduct assessment of patients for HTS and provide necessary psychosocial care.

3.      Participate in the process of empowering patients with skills for self-reliance and make appropriate succession plans.

4.      Refer and link clients to appropriate medical and psychosocial support.

5.      Provide technical support to facility and community volunteers on HIV/AIDs and TB awareness and document success stories.

6.      Conduct health education talks on HIV prevention and other HIV related issues.

7.      Conduct home visits to clients/patients and their family members.

8.      Offer index client counseling and testing to house members of facility clients she/he is attached too.

9.      Support linkage volunteers in linking clients to appropriate health and social services.

10.  Counsel and initiate PrEP to high risky populations at the facility and the communities served.

11.  Document key out-put in the relevant MOH data capture tools.

12.  Participate in the compilation of weekly, monthly and quarterly reports on key HIV/AIDs and TB indicator.

13.  Participate in facility and program meeting as may be scheduled by the supervisor.

Application Details 

Applications to be submitted to the address below not later than Wednesday 14th September 2022 at 5pm

N.B: All staff recruited under this project will be given employment contracts by the hospital. These are full time jobs, so people already holding full time Jobs should not apply and salaries will be based on Government scales.

Where applicable, applicants must be registered with the relevant council and have a valid practicing license


Applications should be filled in triplicate on PS Form 3 (Revised 2008) and attach Curriculum Vitae, copy of the national identity card, photocopies of certificates and testimonials of the academic credentials and contact information for 3 professional references to;

The Hospital Director
Jinja Regional Referral Hospital
P .O Box 43 Jinja,

PS form 3 can be downloaded from here PUBLIC SERVICE FORM 3 (PS FORM 3)

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