The AIDS Information Centre – Uganda (AIC) is NNGO founded on 14 th February 1990 by a team led by Lydia Barugahare (RIP) to provide Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) services to the population of Uganda. AIC was the first of its kind in Africa and over years has become a centre of excellence in the provision of HTS services. AIC offers a number of HIV prevention, care and support services through its 8 regional centres that cover all regions of Uganda. These include Arua (West Nile region), Lira (Mid North region), Soroti (North-Eastern region), Mbale (Mid-Eastern region), Jinja (Eastern region), Kampala (Central region), Mbarara (Western region) and Kabale (South-Western region). Currently, it supports more than 52 districts with a range of HIV and TB services. The services include HTS, Palliative Care and treatment of opportunistic infections (OIs). AIC works closely with all hospitals, Health Center IVs and Health Center IIIs in the districts to provide routine counselling and testing services in the following clinics: TB Clinic, STI clinic, Antenatal clinic, clinics for under five and the wards. Other services offered include: Clinical services like, diagnosis and Management of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), Tuberculosis (TB), Family Planning (FP), PMTCT and management of opportunistic infections (including Cotrimoxazole prophylaxis). Furthermore, AIC has an arm of supporting health systems strengthening to these health facilities. The support is in building capacity of health workers in HIV counselling and testing, data management through proper collection, cleaning analysis and reporting using the HMIS, coordination of HIV services at district level, support to logistics management especially HIV test kits, laboratory reagents and HIV registers at facilities. AIC supports HIV prevention services and these are promoted through Post Test Club/Philly Lutaaya Initiative (PTC/PLI) activities. These clubs are used to mobilize communities for HIV services including HCT, sensitizing these communities about HIV and how to prevent transmission, psychosocial support for people living with HIV/AIDS (PHAs) on positive prevention and drama depicting the ABC strategy, discordance, disclosure, TB infection, STIs and other messages. Furthermore, AIC conducts HCT outreaches including HIV prevention services, care and support in communities targeting the Most At Risk Persons (MARPS). HTS services are provided as an integrated package of comprehensive management of HIV/AIDS.
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